Frequently Asked Questions
(and one not-so-frequently asked question)
General Help
What is recycler and why should I use it?
What geographic regions does recycler cover?
How do I report a bug I have encountered with the site?
How do I suggest new features?
In what areas can I also place ads in a print publication?
Where can I find my local print publication's office address and contact information?
Registration, Username, and Password
What are the benefits of registration?
How do I register with recycler?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
I signed up for an account and have not yet received my verification email. How long does it take?
Placing an Ad
What kinds of ads can I post on recycler.com?
How much do private party ads cost?
How long will my Ad run?
Why should I include my photos with my Ad?
Do I have to provide a ZIP code when I create an ad?
Will you remind me to renew my ads?
Do you guarantee that an item will sell?
Do I have to register to advertise on recycler.com?
How can I get more responses to my Ad?
How Do I get my Ad on the Homepage?
What if I do not have a digital camera?
What happens when my item is sold?
How long does it take for recycler.com to process my ad?
What types of payment do you accept?
What is the card security code?
How does the security code protect me?
Is my credit card information secure?
What is your refund policy?
Your site won’t accept my payment. What’s up with that?
Ad Policy
What is your Ad Policy for?
Why was my Ad removed from the site?
Why am I being told that I posted too many ads today?
Why was my Ad declined?
Why was my free car or vehicle ad rejected?
Buying an Item Advertised on recycler
How do I search for a specific product or service?
How do I do a National Search?
How do I save ads?
How do I send an Ad to a Friend?
How often are listings updated?
How can I contact the poster of the Ad?
What recourse do I have if my transaction has gone bad or I have been defrauded?
Are ads screened before they go on the site?
Am I buying merchandise from recycler?
Do any of the services or merchandise on recycer.com come with a warranty or
What types of ads are found on recycler.com?
Does the vehicle pricing/payments include tax, title, plates, or other costs?
Are any of the vehicles certified?
Does recycler offer any type of mediation between buyers and sellers?
What is the “calculate payment” I see under the price on some of these ads?
Creating Efficient Ads
How many responses does the average Ad generate?
The "Dos and Don’ts" of Creating an Ad…
What is the best way to photograph my vehicle?
How do I share my ad on facebook, Twitter, and other social networks? And why should I?
Account & Ad Management
What is Ad Status?
How do I manage my Ads?
How do I renew my Ad?
How do I change or cancel my Ad?
How do I edit my Advertiser Snapshot?
How do I change my ad’s location?
Saved Searches & Email Alerts
How do I save my search?
Do I need to be signed in to save a search and to create an email alert?
How often will you email me my new search results?
When will I receive the email alert for my search?
How do I change the frequency of my emal alerts?
How do I stop my email alerts?
What if my email alerts keep coming without alerts?
Can I save more than one save and have more than one alert going at the same time?
Community Action and Moderation
What should I do if I see an ad that I think is spam, offensive, mis-categorized, or illegal?
What are the various options in the flag field?
General Monotreme Knowledge
What is the plural spelling for platypus?
General Help
What is recycler and why should I use it? | [top]
recycler.com is an online community of buyers and sellers, created to simplify and revolutionize the classified shopping experience. Delivering state-of-the-art web2.0 technology and powerful search features unlike any other site, recycler.com is home to millions of listings – advertising for both private and commercial goods and services. With an expansive and established network spanning across the United States, recycler.com supplies you with the ability to buy and sell locally or nationally – providing the options to advertise online and in print!
What geographic regions does recycler cover? | [top]
recycler stretches from coast to coast, serving users – advertisers, buyers and sellers – across the entire United States. When placing ads or searching for ads, the location is based upon the desired target zip code – but the breadth of recycler’s reach is wide and the flexibility to search and post where you want is great. If you are interested in the specific cities we cover, you can check out our "Cities" list at the bottom of the recycler.com webpage.
How do I report a bug I have encountered with the site? | [top]
Any bug you find within our site, we want to readily squash with a tissue or at least shoo it out the door…If you find a bug or something not working properly on our site, please contact us via email at feedback@recycler.com . Please include the following information:
• The webpage address (URL) on which the bug occurred;
• Anything actions or steps you took leading up to the bug;
• What web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc), your operating system
(Windows Vista, XP, or Mac OS), and the Internet service provider you use.
Thank you for helping keep our site clean and bug-free!
How do I suggest new features? | [top]
We don’t pretend to have all the answers and good ideas (just most of them). We would love to hear from you how we can improve our site. Please send any suggestions you have that would enhance the online classifieds experience to:
In what areas can I also place ads in a print publication? | [top]
With a network of print magazines that has successfully connected buyers and sellers since the ‘70s – all having made the necessary shift to online – the recycler has an established, nation-wide classifieds spider web made up of the best people and publications in the business. A genuine connect-the-dots of quality classifieds print and online publications covering the United States, recycler delivers an experienced, tried-and-true community to all its users. Below is a list of regions currently covered by print:
Trade Express – Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Ventura/Los Angeles
Photo Ad and Easy Ad – Central Coast
SLO City Advantage – Central Coast
Recycler – Los Angeles. Orange County, Inland Empire and San Fernando Valley
Jobs Magazine – Los Angeles. Orange County, Inland Empire and San Fernando Valley
Auto & Truck Buys – Los Angeles. Orange County, Inland Empire and San Fernando Valley
Cycle & RV Buys – Los Angeles. Orange County, Inland Empire and San Fernando Valley
County Classified Flea Market – San Francisco Bay Area
Bay Classifieds – San Francisco Bay Area
The Nickel Classifieds – Northern California
Great Northern Wheels and Deals – Northern California
Auto Weekly – Northern California
Pacific Northwest:
Columbia Basin Real Estate – Moses Lake, Washington
Nickel Saver – Moses Lake, Washington
Potato Guide – Moses Lake, Washington
Driveline – Spokane, Washington
Home Buyer's Guide – Spokane, Washington
RV Wheel Deals – Spokane, Washington
HomeFront – Tri-Cities, Washington
Nickel Nik – Tri-Cities, Washington
Wheel Deals – Tri-Cities, Washington
Buyline – Walla Walla, Washington
Destination Washington – Washington State
Homes – Wenatchee, Washington
Nickel Ads – Wenatchee, Washington
Dandy Dime Classifieds – Tucson and Southern Arizona
Cars and Trucks – Tucson and Southern Arizona
Phoenix Auto Guide – Phoenix
Quik Quarter – Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pennysaver – Albuquerque, New Mexico
Best Deals on Wheels – Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pre-Owned – Houston, Texas
Auto Focus – Chicago
Cycle Focus – Chicago
Wheeler Deeler Classifieds – Mid-Michigan
Auto Guide Wisconsin -- Wisconsin
News on Wheels – New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Photo Seller Classifieds – Baton Rouge
Trade Winds Classifieds – Mississippi
Bargain Mart Classifieds – Knoxville and East Tennessee
Photo Features -- Tennessee
Trading Post – Tennessee, South Virginia, and North Carolina
Iwanta Classifieds and Picture This – Central Savannah River Area, Georgia
Penny Pincher Classifieds – Macon and Central Georgia
Big Bend Classifieds -- Tallahassee
Tallahassee Advertiser – Northern Florida and Southern Georgia
Car and Truck Buyers Guide – Southern Florida
New Cars Buyers Guide – Southern Florida
Traders Guide – West Central Pennsylvania
Penny Saver – West Central Pennsylvania
New York Auto Finder – New York
Wheeler Dealer – Western New England and Massachusetts
Where can I find my local print publication's office address and contact information? | [top] |
You can click on Contact Us on the left side of this page or on the footer of every page to find all our contact information. Click here to be directed to a page with all our affiliate print pubs. You can scroll down to find your pub, or, if you don’t the name of your print paper or mag, you can enter your City/State or ZIP Code and hit “Search” and if there is a print pub in your area, it will pop right up!
Registration, Username, and Password
What are the benefits of registration? | [top]
Registration is a fast, easy, and, most importantly, a FREE way to improve the way you do classifieds. Registering is required for posting ads, but even if you’re just here to buy, registration offers many advantages and tools to make things easier to find. Here’s a brief and far from complete list of the benefits of registration:
• For Seekers & Buyers: Register to save searches or individual ads for quick reference; request free and instant
email alerts based on specific criteria you’ve selected. Let us do the work for you!
• For Advertisers: Register to place, modify, and renew ads. Create a public profile or upgrade your ad to
increase its chances of success!
• For Everybody: It’s FREE! Join our amazing community of top-notch buyers and sellers and stay connected. By
becoming a member of our ever-growing recycler.com club, you can receive promotional announcements, while
buying and selling with ease and safety.
How do I register with recycler.com? | [top]
Simply go to and click on the "My Account" link located at the top right of any recycler.com page, and on the next page fill in the necessary fields with all your information. You will need to enter the following information:
• Valid Email Address (which will also serve as your Username)
• Password
• Nickname
You will be sent an email to validate your email address, pronto. Just follow the provided link to finish registration and begin using recyler.com to its fullest! If you do not receive this email (it should come rather quickly) be sure to check your spam/junk/trash/bulk folder, as it is sometimes sent there (depending on your email settings).
If you choose to Place an Ad before registering, you will be directed automatically to the registration page during the creation process. You cannot post or modify ads, save ads or searches, sign up for email alerts, or create a Public Profile without registering – but it’s easy and it’s free!
I forgot my password. What should I do? | [top]
First, don’t be so hard on yourself – these things happen. What you need to do is go to My Account and then click "Forgot your password". You will then have to enter the email that you use to sign in . An email will be sent to that email with a temporary password and a link to reset your password – click on that link. On the page you are directed to, enter the temporary password you were given (do not copy/paste and capitalization matters) and your new password below that. Retype the new password in the designated input field box to confirm it and your password will be reset. Try to remember it this time!
If you do not receive the reset password email (it should come rather quickly) be sure to check your spam/junk/trash/bulk folder, as it is sometimes sent there (depending on your email settings). Entering the temporary password incorrectly could result in a system error message.
I signed up for an account and have not yet received my verification email. how long does it take? | [top]
You should receive the email almost immediately after signing up, whether you signed up before placing an ad or during. If you cannot locate the verification email, please be sure to check your spam/junk/bulk folder because, depending on your email settings, this email may get sent there. Also make sure your email does not auto-delete suspected spam, or you will never be able to verify your account if your email is recognizing the verification as spam. You will not be able to sign in until you verify the email address.
Placing an Ad
What kinds of ads can I post on recycler.com? | [top]
First off, click here to begin placing an ad!
OK - recycler.com offers a wide range of packages and upgrades to give you the utmost flexibility when trying to sell, rent, or find a product or service. For private parties, we offer the following general packages:
• Basic Online or Basic Combo Ads
• Deluxe Online Ad
• Deluxe Combo Ads (with or without photo)
The availability and pricing of each package is determined by the category and the subcategory of the Ad. For more information, click "Place an Ad" in the top right corner of any recycler.com webpage. Enter your ZIP Code (the area you want to target, not necessarily where you live) and then mouse-over the desired category (like Cars & Vehicles, Pets, Etc). When your mouse is hovering over a main category, a handful of subcategories will appear to the right -- click on the "best fit" for the item you are advertising and you will be directed to the Ad Package Selection page. Follow the step-by-step process to complete placing your ad.
If you have a business, please contact us for your available options: 1-888-916-5888 or sales@recycler.com (Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. PT). Or you can visit our Advertiser Center!
How much do private party ads cost? | [top]
The price for posting ads start at as low as zero – a.k.a FREE! The prices and availability of each specific package depends on the ZIP Code you enter and the category/subcategory of the item you intend to advertise. We offer a wide range of choices to give you the flexibility to decide how much or how little you want to spend and what kind of coverage best fits your budget (there is usually a Free Ad option). For specific prices and offered packages, click on "Place an Ad" in the top right of any recycler.com webpage, enter your ZIP Code (the area you want to target, not necessarily where you live) and then mouse-over the desired category (like Cars & Vehicles, Pets, Etc). When your mouse is hovering over a main category, a handful of subcategories will appear to the right -- click on the "best fit" for the item you are advertising and you will be directed to the Ad Package Selection page, presenting you with prices.
How long will my Ad run? | [top]
Your Ad’s run length depends on what ad package you choose when creating the Ad, but it ranges from one to three weeks, with the option to extend this to up to nine weeks for select packages. The longer an ad runs obviously increases its exposure and its chance to sell, so we allow you the freedom to give longevity to your ads and extend their lives if need be. Like visiting the Fountain of Ad Youth, you can renew your ad when it is About to Expire or after it has Expired by signing in and going to Manage My Ads under My Account. From this page you can also modify or cancel each individual ad.
Why should I include photos with my ad? | [top]
Not only can photos grab a buyer’s attention, they also add credibility to you and your ad. Sometimes, seeing is believing – and potential buyers know this. Pictures don’t lie, and can usually make the difference between quick sales and a cluttered garage. Multiple photos just increase the item’s allure, showing it from different angles, close-up or wide.
When uploading photos, be sure to designate which photo you want to be used as the ad’s Main Photo. You can select "Make main photo" below each uploaded photo. If you are going to use photos, be sure that they are current and of good quality.
Do I have to provide a ZIP code when I create an ad? | [top]
Yes. Classifieds are an intrinsically local experience, dating back to posting a bulletin – with nail and hammer – on the Town Hall door. Including your ZIP Code (where you want to sell the item, not necessarily where you live) will target your Ad to a specific location generating the most and the highest quality leads. However, your ad is not strictly limited to that ZIP Code. Our website is nationwide, so when you are searching, it is possible for you to do a nationwide search. Regardless of being required to enter your desired ZIP Code when selling, we do not want to limit your reach – your Ad will show up in any buyers’ broader searches as well as local ones. If they are looking, they’ll find it.
If you live in larger cities, especially those with multiple ZIP Codes, you may think listing a ZIP Code is limiting – but keep in mind that when searching, a user is given results for everything in a 100-mile radius, unless manually altered.
Will you remind me to renew my ads? | [top]
Yes! We know you have a lot on your mind and have better things to do than track your ads every waking moment. We will email you a reminder 48 hours before the ad expires. After that, however, it is out of our hands. We do not renew ads for you and they do not renew automatically, so if you get the email reminder, quickly hop onto your Manage My Ads page under My Account and renew the soon-to-be-expired ad. It only takes a few seconds.
For this reason and for any other reason we may need to contact you, it is important for you to keep your Contact email address up-to-date.If you wish to change your ad package, you will only be able to do so during ad renewal and only if the ad was a paid Deluxe Ad. As of right now, ads that are not yet About to Expire cannot be upgraded, but this might change. If you needed to upgrade or change packages you must wait for the ad to expire or cancel it and place a new ad. Canceling an ad does not refund any amount paid.
Do you guarantee that an item will sell? | [top]
Nope. Although we firmly believe recycler.com offers the single best advertising value on this here World Wide Web, we cannot guarantee a sale. However, with our helpful creation tools, by writing a good Ad Title and Description, and by posting excellent photos – combined with a wide-reaching online and print package – you will dramatically increase your chances of a speedy and profitable sale rather than, say, putting the item in your front yard with a magic marker scratched "For Sale" sign or on some other old, bland, unsafe and chaotically cluttered website (we won’t mention any names).
Do I have to register to advertise on recycler.com? | [top]
YES! We need to be able to communicate with you if you choose to advertise on recycler.com. Registration is quick, safe, easy and free. You do not have to register to buy from recycler, but we recommend it – it’s easy, free, and will immediately grant you convenient and easy tools, enhancing the way you do classifieds.
• For Seekers & Buyers: Register to save searches or individual ads for quick reference, and request free and
instant email alerts based on specific criteria you’ve selected. Let us do the work for you!
• For Advertisers: Register to post, modify, and renew ads. Create a Public Profile or upgrade your ad to increase
its chances of success!
• For Everybody: It’s FREE! Join our amazing community of top-notch buyers and sellers and stay connected. By
becoming a member of our growing recycler.com club, you can receive promotional announcements, while
buying and selling with ease and safety.
How can I get more responses to my Ad? | [top]
You are here because you want to get the most potential buyers for what you are offering. We are here to make that happen, but there are certain things you can do (things we have tried to make easy and fun) to increase responses from potential buyers. Here is a quick rundown of tips:
1) Pick a package that includes both print and online – we cannot express enough the benefits of getting the Ad into ink, as well as onto the Web.
2) Include at least one, clear, well-lit photo to showcase the item you are selling – we recommend several pictures, from different angles.
3) Make the Ad Description as detailed and clear as possible – bad punctuation makes an ad stand out in a very bad way and can be confusing or distracting; respect grammar.
4) If you are flexible on price, make that clear! State or best offer (obo), non-negotiable (firm), or negotiable (neg.) when applicable.
5) Make things easy on potential buyers! Let them know location and availability for fast and easy pick up.
6) Tell your friends! The more people on recycler.com, the more responses you will get!
How Do I get my Ad on the Homepage? | [top]
When placing the ad you will eventually be directed to the "Upgrade Your Ad" page (regardless of ad package). Everything on this page is optional, but one of the upgrades is called "Homepage Showcase" and will get your ad on the front page of the website for only $29.00. Selecting this upgrade puts your ad in a round-robin rotation with other advertisers in your general area (it's pretty broad) who've made this upgrade. Any time a user in your region goes to www.recycler.com, your ad will appear on the front page when it's turn is up in the rotation. This means your ad is showcased right in the face of buyers before they can even begin to search our classifieds.
What if I do not have a digital camera? | [top]
That’s totally OK! Just take your traditional film camera to your local photo-processing lab and request a photo CD. Or, you can turn prints into digital pictures with the help of a scanner. And you can always borrow a friend’s camera.
Though we can’t all be Ansel Adams, please do your best to make sure the photos are clear, well lit, large, and of good quality. If the photos look like some sort of terrible Rorschach test or if your advertised used car looks like a dinosaur’s blurry sonogram, your Ad will probably not produce as many results.
What happens when my item is sold? | [top]
Congratulations on the sale, but you aren’t done yet. We are happy as clams we were able to help you find a buyer, but we ask that you got to My Account and then to Manage My Ads to cancel the Ad so it is no longer live on our site. Do not simply let the Ad die a slow, painful death – painful for both the recycler and you because neither of us want you to be be inundated with calls and emails from curious or frustrated buyers who’ve stumbled across your unavailable ad thinking it’s still available. Responsibly canceling your ad will help keep recycler.com free from the clutter of old and unavailable ads, making it easier for everyone involved!
How long does it take for recycler.com to process my ad? | [top] |
When you submit an ad it takes on a PENDING status as it is processed. There are many different factors that speed up or delay this process, but we try to get all ads processed within 48 hours (but its usually much quicker). Weekends and holidays can slow the process.
If you do not received notification of ad's status after 3 business days from submitting your ad, please contact us at service@recycler.com.
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept MasterCard, Visa, and American Express for private party ads placed online. Depending on the ZIP Code, category and subcategory of your Ad, some packages require payment, as do some easy Upgrade Features that can enhance even the basic free ads – and your information, FYI, is completely safe and private.
What is the card security code?
The card security code is a nifty little Internet security feature, which provides a cryptographic verification of the information pressed into the card. The code is a relatively recent security characteristic, a simple three-digit number appearing on the back of most Visa and MasterCard credit cards.
The security code is intended to validate that the customer placing the online order actually has the credit card on his or her person, and that the credit account is legitimate.
How does the security code protect me?
Not contained in the magnetic strip information, the security code is only printed on the card. It also does not appear on paper documents like sales receipts or billing statements – designed that way so the card must be in hand in order for the user to know and use the code.
Card Security Codes are not raised, so they cannot be scanned into basic credit card readers. Hypothetically, these numbers are only visible to you, the cardholder. When you give your Card Security Code to an online merchant, you assist that merchant in verifying that you, the cardholder, are actually placing the order.
Is my credit card information secure?
Using your credit card with recycler.com is completely safe. We use an advanced encryption technology that safeguards your personal information and ensures your privacy as it travels over the Internet. We also maintain a SSL Certificate with Thawte that serves as an electronic substitute for your signature.
What is your refund policy?
We are not responsible for user errors – so be extra careful when creating an ad. If you make an error while creating the ad online, you can correct or modify it after it is reviewed and approved by logging in and going to Manage My Ads. Likewise, you can cancel any ad placed online by going to Manage My Ads. Canceling an ad does not automatically refund the amount paid. Unfortunately, we do not issue refunds for private party ads. If you make a material error in your ad, we may give you a credit towards the purchase of future advertising.
For this reason we stress that you make full use of the Preview feature while creating the ad. Check for all errors and mistakes before moving forward and completing ad placement.
Your site won't accept my payment. What's up with that?
Make sure the street address you are entering matches the billing address of the card you are using EXACTLY. The system can be very sensitive, so check your monthly statement and be sure the address is perfectly identical.
If you’re billing address is a PO Box, you might have to put the number first, followed by the words “PO BOX”
For example: PO Box 1234 would be entered as 1234 PO Box on the payment page.
Ad Policy
What is your Ad Policy for? |
Here at recycler.com our Ad Policy is intended to create a more trusted marketplace. Our policy is a series of guidelines put in place to create a benefit for both buyers and sellers in our marketplace. We seek to work with our classified community and to use the Ad Policy to make our site safer, cleaner, easy-to-use, and freer of spam, fraud, and porn.
recycler.com reserves the right to decline or remove any ads based on the Ad Policy, and we may modify that policy at any time without notice.
Why was my Ad removed from the site? |
There are several reasons your Ad may have been removed from the site – as recycler retains the right to remove or modify any ad we see fit (but hope not to exercise that right unless necessary). Here is a quick rundown of the most common reasons your Ad might have pursued the Dodo into extinction:
• The Ad violated our Ad Policy
• Users flagged the Ad for being spam or offensive
• The Ad was a duplicate of another ad
• The Ad has expired
Why am I being told that I posted too many ads today? |
There is a limit of 25 ads per account per day. This restriction is in place to prevent users from abusing or "spamming" the site, and for deterring users from selling, for example, their Limited Edition Collector’s Lego Sets piece-by-piece. This is a community, so we treat it like one – any rules we have established that may seem to limit users’ are sanctioned for our and your own good. We ask all recycler users to practice restraint when posting ads and avoid abuse to keep this site the best on the Web.
If you are a business and would like to place more than 25 ads per day, please contact us at 1-888-916-5888 or sales@recycler.com. Or, visit our Advertiser Center!
Why was my Ad declined? |
There are many reasons our processing system might decline a submitted ad. As per the Ad Policy, rejections may be the result of, but no limited to, the following:
Counterfeit – recycler.com does not accept advertisements for content that may
be counterfeit or replicated in any way. This includes stamps,
currency, coins, and designer goods. This also applies to any tools or
machinery that can be used to manufacture aforementioned
counterfeited goods.
Endangered Species – recycler.com does not permit the advertising of any
animal or part of an animal that is categorized as an endangered or
protected species. For a full list of Endangered Species, please see
the Fish and Wildlife Service’s website.
Academic Aids – recycler.com does not permit advertisements for test-taking
services in which one takes an exam for another – nor do we
accept academic paper-writing services providing custom/pre-written essays,
theses, dissertations, etc. You’re going to have to do the work yourself,
like the rest of us!
***Advertisements for proof reading or editing services are allowed.
Embargo – recycler.com does not permit services that appear to facilitate the sale
of goods from, with, or to countries, organizations, businesses or persons
with whom the U.S. law has regulated trade.
Certain restrictions have been placed on goods coming from Cuba –
a country that currently falls under the Embargo category:
It is OK if: any Cuban item is of an "informational" nature, such as books,
movies, artwork, photographs, music, cancelled stamps, and similar materials.
These Items may be sold without restrictions.
It is NOT OK if: the Cuban Government issued valid stamps or currency before
the embargo date, but they were still in Cuba (or in the possession of a Cuban
national) at any time after the embargo date. These items may NOT be listed.
Defamatory – recycler.com does not permit ad postings that contain items,
photos, or terms that are abusive, threatening, libelous, promote hate or
intolerance, or would generally be considered offensive by our users. If you can’t
post anything nice, don’t post anything at all.
Illegal Drugs – recycler.com does not permit ads promoting goods or services
that appear to facilitate the use or distribution of illegal drugs or substances whose
primary purpose seem to be recreational mind alteration. This includes services or
products that facilitate the evasion of drug laws, such as those promoting ways to
beat a drug test.
Unacceptable – recycler.com does not permit advertisements that contain content
about prostitution, hacking, cracking, Warez, assault/automatic weapons
fireworks, explosives, alcohol, gambling, items that require a prescription or are
of questionable legality.
Links– recycler.com does permit ads that contain an external link seemingly used
for the sole purpose of driving traffic to another website. The ad is only allowed
to contain a link to an external site if and only if it is used to give the user more
information about the item being offered (for example product details, pictures,
etc.). However, any link that directs users to information on a third party site such
as "Craigslist" or "eBay" is not accepted.
Duplicate – recycler.com does not permit the placing of multiple ads for the same
item in the same category or through multiple accounts. This ensures
that our users receive a variety of results, and prevents our listings from being
monopolized by a single advertiser.
Adult – recycler.com does not permit ads that are adult in nature. Ads that contain
references to nudity, pornography, escort services, sexual favors in exchange for
money or personal ads that are adult in nature are currently not accepted.
Pets (age) – recycler.com does not permit ads in violation of state guidelines
regarding the sale of pets. Puppies and kittens must be at least 8 weeks old prior
to being placed for sale. Please resubmit your ad when the animals reach 8 weeks
old or modify your ad to state that you will be accepting deposits with a legal
pick-up date clearly expressed.
Pets (Restricted) – recycler.com does not permit advertising animals considered
to be restricted in your state. Please visit your State Fish and Wildlife Department
website to review the regulations on restricted animals.
Real Estate: Fair Housing – recycler.com does not permit ads in violation of the
Federal Fair Housing Act guidelines on advertising. Under this Act,
advertisements for real estate cannot intentionally or unintentionally express a
preference or exclusion of any persons based on race, color, religion, sex,
handicap, familial status or national origin.
Please visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s site on
Fair Housing Laws for more information.
Real Estate: No Location Entered – recycler.com does not permit ads that do not
clearly articulate the location of the advertised real estate – we require that a
location must be included in the ad to be considered for approval. Please Sign In
to your account and visit the Manage My Ads section to make any necessary changes
and resubmit the ad.
Location: Outside of the United States – recycler.com does not, at this time,
permit ads that are either located in or advertising services that are available
outside our current coverage area. Presently, recycler.com only accepts
advertisements from individuals located within and serving the U.S. marketplace.
Data Collection – recycler.com does not permit ads for documents or items that
may aid in identity theft including, but not limited to, identity documents,
personal information in any form, including mailing lists and financial records,
government and transit badges, government documents or licenses.
Please feel free to peruse the Ad Policy here.
Why was my free car or vehicle ad rejected? |
The free vehicle ads are for private parties only. Private parties are only allowed 4 different free car ads per year—placing more than this means you are a volume advertiser and will disqualify you as a private party seller and you will have to place paid ads.
If you are a dealer and want to learn more about placing your inventory on our site, please email us at sales@recycler.com with your location and questions.
Buying an Item Advertised on recycler.com
How do I search for a specific product or service? |
recycler.com offers a powerful search engine that gives you the flexibility to find exactly what you want, where you want it. Use the Search Box at the top of each page by entering a keyword (for example: Year/Model/Make for cars and trucks) and specifying the city/state or the ZIP Code, as well as in what category you'd like to search (or All Categories). You can narrow and refine the search by specifying criteria (like price, location, make, model, mileage, brand, color, etc) on the left-hand side of the search results page. If you are not getting many results, try different keywords, broadening or removing your specific criteria, or changing ZIP codes.
There is also a "Sort By" drop down box in the top right corner of the search results which will allow you to reorganize your results by certain criteria, like Best Match (default), Price: Low to High, Price: High to Low, Distance, Post Time, and Photos Only.
recycler also offers buyers the opportunity to search nationwide, by moving the green "Miles from Location" arrow marker on the slider scale to US, to locate and buy that hard-to-find item hidden somewhere within the nooks, crannies, mountains, lakes, and cornfields between the Atlantic and the Pacific.
How do I do a National Search? |
Do a normal keyword or category search in any location and then when you get the results, move the green arrow to US on the "Miles from Location" slider bar located under the Refine By heading on the left rail of the search results. You can use this slider bar to narrow or broaden your seach.
How do I save ads? |
Can’t find a pen or paper? Lacking the memory of a five-toed pachyderm (that’s science talk for elephant)? No worries! If you are interested in an ad, just mouse-over the ad to highlight it and then click "Save" once the link appears. It will be under the listed price and have a small folder graphic next to it. You can also go into the ad’s detail page and select "Save" located above the large display photo.
The ad will be saved to your account and can be recalled and viewed any time by going to My Account and selecting My Saved Ads. A saved ad will remain in your account even after the ad is cancelled, for comparison and reference, for 3 months. After an ad has expired or is canceled, it will still show up under My Saved Ads but you will not be able to click to the ad's details page. Clicking on the ad at this point will direct you to similar ads.
How do I send an Ad to a Friend? |
When browsing search results, if you come across something a friend might like, just click on the title of the ad, the large green letters, and you will be directed to the Ad Details page. On this page, just above the photo (below the title) you will see a "Send to a Friend" link. Clicking this will allow you to email this ad to someone you know! There are also other buttons located in the same area that will let you share the ad on your Facebook and Twitter!
How often are listings updated? |
We update our online inventory multiple times a day, so you can see any changes or updates quickly, such as a new asking price or more/new photos. We also encourage you to keep your ads fresh and up-to-date by requiring you to renew your ads every one to three weeks, depending upon a number of factors, including category and location.
After you first submit an ad, however, it may take some time to get it up and running on the site and through our ad processing system. If several days come and go and you cannot find your ad, please email us at service@recycler.com (Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. PT)
How can I contact the poster of the ad? |
If you are interested in a listing, you can click on the title of the Ad for more information. If you are still interested, on the right side of the ad, there is a CONTACT ME! button that opens a pop-up for you to fill out and send directly to the advertiser. The same form exists under the ad's text. If a phone number is included in the ad, you can always call the seller. Be sure to check out the Advertiser Snapshot (found to the right of the ad) for contact details. Also, the Ad Description may have more detailed instructions on how or when to contact the seller.
What recourse do I have if my transaction has gone bad or I have been
defrauded? |
If you feel that your transaction with another member has gone bad or you have been cheated by a Fraudulent Ad on the site, please let us know about it immediately. If appropriate, you should contact the police to pursue criminal charges. Remember to trade locally and transact in person to reduce the risk that your transaction will go bad.
Visit our Safety Center for more info.
Are ads screened before they go on the site? |
recycler.com has an Ad Policy to help keep the site more secure from fraud, safer for families, and easier and safer to use. We keep a continuous watch on the ads on our site!
Am I buying merchandise from recycler? |
No. recycler.com is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers – recycler does not own or sell anything we are advertising and we do not make any commission or "cut" on any successfully sold item or service. We are simply here to facilitate the classifieds process – the recycling of quality goods – between private and commercial buyers and sellers.
We do not provide any sort of Purchase Protection Program for any item listed on our site. All transactions must be handled between the seller and the buyer directly - recycler.com does not “validate” listings, offer escrow services, or receive payment for advertisers. If a seller is claiming to sell his/her vehicle or item through any such program, please forward the email correspondence to us (service@recycler.com) along with a link to the ad and any other information that will aid our investigation. We also recommend you stop all communication with the seller at this point. If you have more questions, please check out our Safety Center.
Please Contact Us with any questions or concerns.
Do any of the services or merchandise on recycer.com come with a
warranty or guarantee? |
Warranties or guarantees provided by the sellers may be available for the services or merchandise on recycler.com. In some cases, extended warranties may be purchased from third parties – recycler.com does not directly provide any warranties or guarantees. To find out more information about a warranty or guarantee options, please contact the seller.
Be cautious of anything "guaranteed" by a private seller. Remeber these words: "Buyer Beware".
What types of ads are found on recycler.com? |
recycler.com has one of the largest inventories of used cars, trucks, SUVs, vans, and new vehicles, along with merchandise, pets, electronics and appliances employment, real estate, and a galactic gallimaufry of other classified ads in the United States. Over 300,000 new ads appear on recycler.com every week. Private parties, franchise & independent car dealers, and both small and large businesses advertise with us. It can all get overwhelming, so in order to assist you in finding the item that you are looking for, we have searches by year, make and model for autos – and keywords for everything else. Not to mention our extensive list of categories.
At this time, personal ads, adult-themed ads, and overseas ads are not allowed, among others. Please review our Ad Policy for more information on what we do nto allow.
Does the vehicle pricing/payments include tax, title, plates, or other costs? |
Vehicle pricing from a dealer does not include tax, title & registration, where it’s applicable. Also, advertised payments are based on Tier One credit. Private sellers may specify any included details in the ad description. If not, you can always ask after contacting them.
Are any of the vehicles certified? |
[top] |
Many of the vehicles for sale are certified by the dealer selling the vehicle. To find out more information about a specific vehicle's certification, please contact the seller.
Does recycler offer any type of mediation between buyers and sellers? |
No. We are just matchmakers – seeing the "relationship" through is left to you and the other party.
recycler is a platform to connect buyers and sellers. All transactions and the details of the transactions are completed between the two parties – we aren’t a middleman or go-between. At no time does recycler get involved in these details or transaction itself, nor do we offer any types of verification as to who a person is or claims to be. If you have any questions or concerns about a transaction please contact the other party and do your best to resolve the situation between the two of you. If you feel you have been defrauded, let us know (feedback@recycler.com) and contact your local police department.
What is the "calculate payment" I see under the price on some of these ads? |
The calculate payment button found under the price of Car and Real Estate ads is a quick and easy tool to use to estimate your monthly payments on the item if you were to purchase it with a loan. Simply click on the button and enter the amount of the loan, the interest rate, and the length of the loan (in years) and click “calculate” and we will instantly give you the estimated monthly payments you should expect to pay. Cool, huh?
Creating Efficient Ads
How many responses does the average Ad generate? |
This is a bit of a difficult question and we can only offer a general answer because there are so many different factors weighing on the final number of generated responses. What you are selling and where you are selling it, among other things, will have a drastic effect on how many responses it will generate. We can say that without a doubt, the better written the ad, the better the photos, and the better the package will all result in more and better quality responses. Here are a few quick tips when creating an ad:
• Choose to advertise online and in print whenever possible.
• Include photos, the more the better.
• Be honest and be detailed – clearly title and describe your item for sale.
• Be realistic on your asking price. Unrealistic prices will not only be suspected of
fraud, but will not generate good responses.
• Include the VIN (if selling a vehicle) so the user can get a valid history report of
the vehicle (from Carfax.com for example).
The "DOs & DON'Ts" of Creating an Ad… |
DO title your Ad with the item’s name; DON’T title it without thought or with gimmicky
In almost every case, the title of your Ad should be as simple as the name of the
item you are selling. Most buyers go to classified ads knowing full well what they
want to find and buy. Titling your Ad with a phrase like "I have…" or "This
is…" or "I am selling…" or an adjective like "Brand new…" or "Red…" or
"Beautiful…" is not only redundant, but it will only make your Ad blend in and
go unnoticed. If you are selling a car, keep it to Year/Make/Model. The title is the
most important part of writing an ad, so make it count.
DO use Standard English Grammar; DON’T invent new and interesting ways to use
The National Academy of Punctuation has so far come up with no correlation
between exclamation points and selling effectiveness. In addition, all studies have
thus far been inconclusive on the effects of random and haphazard punctuation
use on classifieds shoppers, but at this point there is no reason to believe that
flashy punctuation has any positive effect at all. Furthermore, severe
capitalization abuse is not only against our Ad Policy, but annoying and
amateurish. Be professional and you’ll get serious, professional responses.
Classifieds Ads are not text messages and you are not Tom Wolfe – so don’t write
them like they, or you, are.
DO write an engaging description; DON’T overwhelm us with adjectives…
Every day hundreds of adjectives are abused under the cyber sun and no one does
anything about it. Adjectives simply want to spice up language a bit, bring joy
into a story or text, but it is becoming more and more common for ordinary
writers to overuse, exhaust, and misuse the poor adjectives. With just a dollar a
day you can sponsor a maltreated adjective…or just use adjectives sparingly! If
you post photos with your ad (which you should), then you don’t really need
adjectives at all, besides the basics (condition, colors, size, weight, etc).
DO your research; DON’T wing it…
Have a clue as to what you are selling, its market, and the right price for its
condition. You won’t get many responses if your price, which you just guessed at,
is way too high. Likewise, if you’re way under on your arbitrary guess, you’ll
likely just get ripped off and give some yahoo a story to tell at the local watering
hole. There’s no need to see someone on Antiques Roadshow talking about the
priceless heirloom they bought from you for a nickel – especially when it can be
avoided with a wee bit of research. Also, the more you know about what you are
selling, the better salesperson you can become, writing an excellently detailed and
enticing Ad Description.
DO post photos with your Ad; DON’T rely on buyers’ imaginations…
If you don’t own a digital camera, find one or use a traditional film camera and
get CD copies at the photo lab, or use a scanner. Save for the title, photos are the
best and easiest way to get your Ad noticed, resulting in plenty of leads and
inevitably a profitable sale. Make sure the photos are current, of good quality,
and showcase the item you are selling accurately.
Here is an SAT-level Analogy to help: If your photo is to your item as Clark
Gable is to Lyle Lovett you will not make any sales and will upset and frustrate
ex-potential buyers.
DO choose a print option; DON’T limit your coverage…
Getting your Ad printed in ink, if available, is a very easy way to get it into the hands of a
buyer who normally would not have found it. Published ads have no expiration
date, essentially, because they cannot be deleted and removed from cyberspace
and people’s memories. Using the established and vast network recycler provides
will dramatically increase your Ad’s coverage and chance to sell.
What is the best way to photograph my vehicle? |
Contrary to popular belief, without near-nude supermodels
glistening from the hood…
The following tips will help you take high quality photos of
your vehicle:
• Do not shoot the shadow side of your vehicle.
• Make sure the sun is behind you and watch out for shadows on your vehicle.
• To help remove "glare spots" from your windows, roll them down.
• Shoot your vehicle in the morning or late afternoon; this will reduce shadows and
harsh glare.
• Always use your flash, even in bright sunlight (this will show more details of your
• Clean your vehicle, and don't forget tire treatment.
• Park your vehicle on clean pavement. (Special Tip: Wet the pavement)
• Position your vehicle in what is known as the 3/4 view (see below).
• Crouch down and shoot at headlight level (this makes your vehicle seem
• Stand back when shooting your vehicle. You don’t want to "clip" off the front or
back bumpers and you want to leave enough space around your vehicle so
recycler can crop it to size to fit the magazine format. (Example: if you fill the
frame (which is typically square in shape), then when your vehicle is cropped to
fit the frame of the advertisement (which is typically rectangular in shape). Your
vehicle will lose its roof or tires.
• Do not position your vehicle under a tree’s shade or striped canopy, this will show
up as a bad paint job in the photo.
• Your vehicle is the primary focal point of your photograph. Make sure that the
backdrop is neat. You should never have anyone standing beside your car and
your hood and doors should be closed.
• Turn off your camera's option of imprinting the date/time.
• Set your camera to the highest quality or fine quality setting.
Photos taken with film may be scanned and uploaded, but the online photo quality may
not be as good as digital photos. See the examples below:
How do I share my ad on Facebook and Twitter? And why should I? |
We have made it easier than ever to share your own ads and any other ads you find on recycler.com with all your social network friends and followers.
If you are signed into a Facebook Connect account, you might be prompted to post your ad to your wall immediately after ad submission (there will be a facebook pop-up). If not, once the ad is processed, simply go to your account and click on Manage My Ads and then click on blue "share with facebook" button on the add to post your ad directly to your facebook account Wall.
If you are using a regular recycler.com and are not signed in with Facebook Connect, you can click on the title of your ad to go to the Ad Details page and above the photo are buttons to share on Facebook and Twitter.
Over 500 million people use just Facebook alone—let them see your ad, too!
To read more about this cool feature, check out the detailed recycler.com blog entry here.
Account & Ad Management
What is Ad Status? |
While managing your Ads under Manage My Ads you may notice they are labeled with a
"Status" (right under the ad title). The page will by default only show Live ads, but you can sort by ad status using the tabs at the top of the page. Each status is used to designate where your Ad is in its life and what it is currently "doing":
• Pending: The Ad has been submitted and is in processing.
• Current: The Ad is currently running online (and in print if so designated).
• About to Expire: The Ad is nearing expiration and requires you to renew it.
• Expired: The Ad expired and is no longer running. It can usually be renewed.
• Cancelled: You have canceled the Ad – recycler.com will not cancel ads unless
asked by the user to cancel it for them or unless there is a violation of Ad Policy.
• Rejected: The Ad did not meet recycler.com’s Ad Policy.
• Removed: The Ad was flagged and removed from the site for verious reasons,
including Ad Policy, state or national law, or our Terms of Use –
or it was reported as spam or fraud.
How do I manage my Ads? |
After you go to My Account and sign in, you will be able to click on Manage My Ads on the left side of the page. You can sort your ads based on their status (Current, About to Expire, Cancelled, etc) using the tabs at the top of the page. Click on "modify" for each ad to make any desired changes – title, description, and/or photos. You can only edit Live ads and when you edit an ad it will go from LIVE to PENDING until those changes can be processed.You can also renew ads that are ABOUT TO EXPIRE or EXPIRED to extend their lives and extend your selling window. If your item has sold or you decided to keep it, please click on "Cancel" on your Ad to keep our site fresh and clutter-free.
How do I renew my Ad? |
When you receive the email reminder that your Ad is ABOUT TO EXPIRE, simply go into My Account and sign in. From here you can click on Manage My Ads. Unless your ad has expired already it should show up under the LIVE ads tab. If you have a lot of ads running, sort your ads by selecting different tabs, in this case ABOUT TO EXPIRE, and your ad should appear. Click "Renew" under the ad to renew it. A pop-up will appear and you will be given two choices: "Renew Listing" (if no changes are needed) and "Make Changes Then Renew". Basic Free ads will immediately go back to LIVE if "Renew Listing" is selected. Paid ads, on the other hand, will require payment confirmation before going LIVE. If you select to make changes first, you will go through the ad creation process again and upon completion the ad will be renewed and its duration extended; however, it will go to PENDING and require processing before going back to LIVE.
How do I change or cancel my Ad? |
Simply go into My Account to sign in and then proceed to Manage My Ads. From here you can sort your ads using the provided tabs, and then modify or cancel any one as needed. When canceling the ad you will be asked the reason for cancellation, please select the most accurate:
1) Item has Sold
2) Good or Service No Longer Available
3) Upgrading Ad, Changing Categories or Reposting New Ad
4) Other
We will also ask for you to leave us some comments!
We ask that if you have sold your item, no longer offer the advertised service, or decide to not to sell the advertised item that you cancel the Ad as soon as you can. This will keep recycler.com clean of the clutter old and unavailable ads can create. Thank you!
How do I edit my Advertiser Snapshot? |
After you Sign In you can edit your "Advertiser Shnapshot", which is basically all the stuff that will automatically show up on ads. Everything you need is right there on your Account Information page after signing in. Keep your profile photo current and tasteful, and the information about yourself accurate, brief…and also tasteful.
Advertiser Snapshots are an excellent and safe way to give yourself and the item(s) you are selling credibility. The more a buyer knows about you as a seller, the more likely they are to buy from you.
You can also change your contact or billing info directly on your Account Information page below your Contact Information.
How do I change my ad's locations? |
Your ad’s location that appears on the online posting is based solely on the ZIP Code you entered at the beginning of ad creation. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to modify this location, so if you really need it changed you will have to cancel the current ad and then place a new ad, this time with the desired ZIP Code you want to target.
Although you are required to target one single ZIP Code, this location is not limited, but rather it serves as the “epicenter” of your ad. The ad is on a nationwide site, so if your ad’s ZIP is located within the searchers specified search radius (from 10 miles up to 500 miles, up to nationwide) then your ad will appear in that search.
Saved Searches & Email Alerts
After you perform a search and are presented with the results you are looking for, refined down to the last detail, you will see a light green box directly to the right of the top ad in the search results. In this box, with the header “Let us do the work”, there is a link that says “Save Your Search.”
Clicking this link will open a new window allowing you to name the saved search something unique and easy to remember (in case you are saving a lot of searches) and also allows you to choose whether or not you want recycler.com to email the newest results for this search once a week or once every other week. Clicking “Save” will finish the process and the search will be saved to your account, with the exact specifications you…specified.
Do I need to be signed in to save a search and create an email alert? | [top]
In order for the Saved Search to be saved to your account, you do need to have a registered recycler.com account and you do need to be signed into when saving the search. If you are not signed in when saving a search, you will be asked to sign in at that point in time.
How often will you email me my new search results? |
[top] |
You have three choices when saving a search and creating an email alert: Not at All, Once a Week, and Once Every Two Weeks. If you choose to have the saved search result updates emailed to you, they will be sent on the first Sunday after you save the alert. Sometimes there will be a whole handful of new ads meeting your requirements and sometimes there may be no new ads posted during that week that fit your criteria – but we will continue keeping you posted on any new posts until you tell us otherwise.
When will I receive the email alert for my search? |
Early Sunday morning, every (or every other) early Sunday morning, starting on the first early Sunday morning after you save the search.
How do I change the frequency of my emails? |
You can access your saved search at any time by signing in and then clicking on “Saved Searches” under the Buyer heading found on the left side of your account page. Next to your saved search you will see a clickable green “edit”. Clicking on this will open a small window that not only allows you to edit the name of the saved search, but also the frequency at which we will send you email alerts based on the saved search.
How do I stop my email alerts? |
To stop having your search emailed directly to you, you have three options, all with the same result. You can click on the link at the bottom of one of the emails you received. If you deleted the email and didn’t want to wait for the next week’s listings, you can sign in and go to “Saved Searches” and then click on “edit” next to the search you no longer want emailed (see pic above) and then change the frequency to “not at all”. Or, you can delete the search all together by locating it in your account (Saved Searches) and then checking the box beside and clicking the “Delete” link above.
What if my email alert keeps coming without any listings? |
Chances are the search you entered is too specific, which results in no results, but we wills till send alerts letting you know of the lack of results. You can delete the Saved Search (or just stop the email alerts) and then create a new Saved Search with different or broader parameters to increase the chances of more relevant listings…or just wait it out and hope for the best!
Can I save more than one search and have multiple alerts running? |
Si. That's Espanol for Yes.
Community Action and Moderation
What should I do if I see an ad that I think is spam, offensive, mis-
categorized, or illegal? |
We constantly benefit from help from our members. If you are suspicious of an ad that you come across on recycler.com, the best course of action is to direct it immediately to our attention. To do this, click "Flag" on the ad itself and select the reason why when prompted (see below for reasons).
What are the various options in the flag field? |
• Mis-categorized: We have categories for a reason, so please flag any ad found in the wrong category
or subcategory (for example: a rabbit listed under Alarm and Security…even if it has "Big Pointy Teeth" –
or a parakeet listed under Aircraft and Service…unless it’s big enough to ride).
• Illegal, Inappropriate, or Discriminatory Content: Any Ad that contains content that violates
our Ad Policy, the state or national Law, or our Terms of Use.
• Spam/Overpost: An ad placed over and over, either in one category or within many categories –
or an ad not advertising anything specific (any non-classifieds content).
How can I report any scam emails I receive? |
[top] |
If you receive any suspicious, offensive, or "spammy" emails, please let us know immediately.You can email us at service@recycler.com
General Monotreme Knowledge
What is the plural spelling for platypus? |
This has been stumping people for ages, but it actually has quite a simple and, considering its dumbfounding mystery, ironic answer: There is no singular, universally accepted plural inflection for the name of this peculiar, egg-laying mammal! In the English language, scientists seem to have generally used "platypuses" or just "platypus" (like the plurals fish or deer). The colloquialism, with roots in Latin (following the lead of words like cactus or octopus), "platypi" has also been adopted into common and correct usage. Even the Greek-based "platypodes" has been recognized as acceptable, though rarely used.
Also, who cares?
If you have any question that is not answered in the above list, then please contact us during our normal business hours at 1-888-916-5888 or email us at service@recycler.com